ExpressVPN publishes the ultimate Bitcoin security eBook

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We are proud to announce Lexie’s Bitcoin – Security and Privacy eBook. The book includes some of the thoughts that went into the creation of ExpressVPN’s existing guides, some more detailed explanations, and plenty of practical advice.

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As privacy and technology enthusiasts, ExpressVPN has always been fascinated with Bitcoin. In June 2014, we became one of the first VPN providers to accept the cryptocurrency, and we even recommend using Bitcoin as a payment method for those worried about credit card and bank logs.

ExpressVPN bloggers and developers released more and more articles about Bitcoin as we learned more about its security and privacy implications. Lexie, in particular, has published multiple articles on the topic, as well as an extensive Bitcoin Anonymity guide.

The eBook is released under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 4.0), meaning you are free to share and remix Lexie’s work without fees, as long as you again release it under a similar license and give the appropriate credit.

We would very much like to hear from you, no matter if it’s criticism, additional thoughts, suggestions, or corrections. Feel free to comment below!

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